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508 times in the NIV.

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Q: How many times does the word 'love' appear in the Bible niv?
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How many times does the word love appear in the Bible?

561 times

How many times does love appear in the bible?

God's love runs throughout The Bible. The word Love appears in the Old Testament 131 times and the New Testament 179 times.

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How many times does the phrase His love endures forever appear in the bible?

it endures 91 time in the bible.

How many times the love appear in the bible?

God's love runs throughout The Bible. The word Love appears in the Old Testament 131 times and the New Testament 179 times.

How many times does the word 'love' appear in the NIV Bible?

508, and words with 'love' in them ('loved', 'lovely' etc) occur 801 times.

How many times does the word love appear in the nas bible?

A quick google search revealed the word 'love' appears 483 times in the New American Standard Bible or NASB.

How many times does love appear in the old and New Testament?

The word love appears in 281 verses of the KJV bible.

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The phrase does not appear in the bible.

How many times the word without appear in the bible?

426 times word without appear in the Bible

How many times the word santify appear in the bible?

Sanctify, sanctifying, and sanctified appear in the bible 15 times.

How many times does the word Agape appear in the Bible?

The word "agape" appears in the New Testament of the Bible eight times. It is a Greek word often translated as "love" and is used to describe selfless, unconditional love.