Thrice. Once by suggesting to Him to turn stones into bread, then by suggesting He jump off the top of the temple and let angels save him to gain fame, and lastly by offering Him all the world's treasures if He bowed down to the devil.
3 times
how many times is the devil referred to by his various names in the bible?
The word "devil" is in the King James Version of the Bible 61 times. It is in 57 verses.
how many times
Jesus spoke about the poor 13 times in the Gospels.
As many times you allow it.
3 times
only once
40 Days and 40 Nights
satan- 56 devil- 61 lucifer-1
how many times is the devil referred to by his various names in the bible?
35 times in the NKJV
Jesus is mentioned 953 times.
how many times was jesus used in the new testament
The word "devil" is in the King James Version of the Bible 61 times. It is in 57 verses.
77 is it?