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Many, many times; and mostly uncountable, for The Bible record simply says things like, "And he healed them all."

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Q: How many times did Jesus heal people in the bible?
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How many times did Jesus healed leopards?

As far as I can remember, there were no mention of leopards (large cats) in the Bible. Jesus liked to heal lepers (people who had leprosy) because it was incurable then.

Who did jesus heal with a word?

I learned in my Bible class, this was the nobleman's son. I do not where it is at in the Bible, but it is.

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Theres nothing in the Bible that says Jesus spit on anybody. This is false, in Mark 8:22-23 Jesus spits on the blind man to heal him.

How many times does the word heal appear in the bible?

heal occurs 40 times in the Bible. But there must be other forms of heal used, such as healed, healing, heals

Where did jesus heal most people?

Jesus healed the people who asked him to heal them, and as long as they asked in faith , they were healed at once.

Where did Jesus get the power to heal people?

From His Father.

What two things did jesus heal?

Leper and people

How old was Jesus when he started to heal people?

dear friend it is beleived that jesus was aound 30 years old when he started to heal people and thanks for asking the question

Who are the people who had the power to heal the sick in the Bible?

The disciples

Was Jesus politision?

No Jesus was not a politision but was a religious teacher come to save and heal the people.

How old when Jesus started to heal?

He only started healing when he died on the cross. There you have it, 2 billion copies of the Bible.

How many times does any form of the word heal appear in the Bible?

The word heal and related words (healing, healed, healing, etc.) appear 149 times in the KJV Bible. The counts vary depending on which translation you use.