Two: Fran-tic
There are 36 tic tacs in one 18g Tic Tac Box In a BIG PACK, there are 1 OZ (29g)
Coprolalia is a complex vocal tic
Echolalia is a complex vocal tic
The word plastic has two syllables. Plas-tic.
There are approximately 1,135 Tic-Tacs in a pound.
1. How many peppermint tic tacs are in a pack? 2.If tou split a peppermint tic tac in half 13 times, how many pieces will you have? 3.How many packs of peppermint tic tacs will you have eaten if you eat 1 tic tac a day for 5 years?
Tic-Tac-Terror has 201 pages.
Two: Fran-tic
There are 36 tic tacs in one 18g Tic Tac Box In a BIG PACK, there are 1 OZ (29g)
2... cri- tic
Onomatopoeia is the name of the literary device in which sounds are written into words.
tic-tac is a company that makes tic-tac
There are 2 syllables at-tic
3 A-qua-tic
There are 4 syllables. An-tic-i-pate.
there are three, ar-tis-tic.