There are eleven syllables in the sentence "but now she had all the vegetables she needs". Here's the breakdown: "but now she had all the vege-ta-bles she needs" As you can see, vegetables is three syllables, and the rest of the words have one.
"Vegetables" has three syllables. Try to clap to the word - "Vege" "ta" "bles"
The word 'Vegetable' has two syllables as the syllable means the number of vowel sounds present in a word. And as per the IPA of the word, there are two vowel sounds. Hence, there are two syllables in the word.
There are 3 syllables in symphony:sym/pho/ny
there are 2 syllables in stomach. To see why, search 'How many syllables in attack?'
There are 14 syllables.
There are two syllables in "wistfully."
4 syllables am- phi- bi- an
Awake has two syllables. The syllables are a-wake.
Happened has two syllables. The syllables are hap-pened.
There are two syllables.