The word "helmet" has two syllables. The syllable break-down is "hel" and "met."
There are three syllables. Break-a-ble.
5 syllables. Its syllable break-down looks like this: [ ih-maj-uh-ney-shuh'n ]
There are 2 syllables. Small-est.
There is one syllable in the word girl. You can't break the word down.
Daybreak has two syllables. The syllables are day-break.
Breakfast has two syllables. Break-fast.
There are 4 syllables. Un-break-a-ble.
There is 1 syllable.
Daybreak has two syllables: day-break.
4 syllables. The syllable break-down is like this: [ek-skluh-mey-shuhn]
The word "helmet" has two syllables. The syllable break-down is "hel" and "met."
There are three syllables. Break-a-ble.
You can break any combination of words into syllables. There are three syllables in 'good morning': Good-mor-ning.
There are 2 syllables. Fold-ed.
There are two syllables. Ham-mock.