There are 14 syllables.
I found the words reality and truth as antonyms of alibi. That is strange to me because and alibi is a truthful statement backed up by a witness.
it has three syllables
5 syllables
3 syllables
Alibi has three syllables: a - li - bi
Three. Al-i-bi.
'A' Is for Alibi has 274 pages.
I believe that the word is 'alibi' I believe that the word is 'alibi'
The duration of Naked Alibi is 1.43 hours.
He provided a solid alibi, proving he was out of town at the time of the crime.
Be Your Alibi was created in 2006.
The ISBN of 'A' Is for Alibi is 9780805013344.
The plural of alibi is alibis.
The plural for alibi is alibis.
The Alibi was created in 2006-06.
Lullaby is a near rhyme for alibi.