The word main has one syllable.
3 syllables
There are 14 syllables.
it has three syllables
5 syllables
3 syllables
There are two syllables. Re-main.
There are three syllables in the word maintenance. The syllables are main-te-nance.
Re-main-ing -> there are 3 syllables.
There are 2 syllables. Main-tain.
There are three syllables. Main-te-nance.
'artless' has 2 syllables. Art-less.
An essay typically has one main idea, known as the thesis statement. This main idea is then supported by various arguments, evidence, and examples throughout the essay.
The difference is that the stated main idea is there in the text but the implied main idea is what you think the author was trying to convey.
if it has no topic senetence it is an implied main idea