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Q: How many syllables for main idea?
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How many syllables are in main idea?

The word main has one syllable.

How many syllables are in the word idea?

3 syllables

How many syllables are in the word remain?

There are two syllables. Re-main.

How many syllables in maintenance?

There are three syllables in the word maintenance. The syllables are main-te-nance.

How many syllables in the word remaining?

Re-main-ing -> there are 3 syllables.

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How many syllables does the word idea have?

Three: (i-de-a).

How many syllables does the word idea heav?

3 syllables - eye-dee-uh Phonetically it would be /aI-'di:-ә/

How do you split up maintain in syllables?

There are 2 syllables. Main-tain.

How may syllables does maintenance have?

There are three syllables. Main-te-nance.

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Do The entry or main word artless has three syllables?

'artless' has 2 syllables. Art-less.