there are 2, sound it out, wait - ted.
There are two syllables in the word "wondered" (won-dered; like "one-dur'd") To determine how many syllables a word has, one can often simply sound them out. You can also look them up in a dictionary.
One, just as in the words "dogs." If it had two syllables, it would sound like "way-ves."
there is only one syllable. sound it out, floor, you only let it out in one sound or time.
Sound out the word and the pauses are syllables. So industry would be in-dus-try.
The word "councillor" has three syllables. Syllables are the beats or units of sound in a word.
The schwa sound in "kookaburra" has two syllables.
Sound it out - I get 3.
The word jury has two syllables, which are jur y.
Two: The "luh" sound, and then the "key" sound.
There are three syllables in the word "soloist" (so-lo-ist).
One.... you couldnt sound it out?
There are three syllables in the word believing (sound it out: bel-ie-ving).
There are two syllables in the word comment. When you say it and sound it out, com-ment, it has two parts.
The word "lion" has one syllable. Syllables are determined by the number of vowel sounds in a word, and "lion" has one vowel sound (the "i" sound).
The word spasm has 2 syllables. SPA-SM. Sound it out and you'll see where they are located again.
there are 2, sound it out, wait - ted.