The phrase "all the time" has three syllables. The syllables in the phrase are all-the-time.
The phrase "amino acids" has five syllables. The syllables in the phrase are a-mi-no-a-cids.
The phrase "elephant trainer" has five syllables. The syllables of the phrase are el-e-phant-trai-ner.
The word "phrase" has one syllable.
Each word is one syllable, so there are three syllables in the phrase. Oh - my - gosh.
The phrase "how are you" has three syllables. The syllables in the phrase are how-are-you.
There are three syllables in the phrase "friends are great". The syllables are friends-are-great.
There are two syllables in the phrase "each state." The syllables in the phrase are each-state.
The phrase "but I learn a lot" has five syllables.
The phrase "all the time" has three syllables. The syllables in the phrase are all-the-time.
The phrase "amino acids" has five syllables. The syllables in the phrase are a-mi-no-a-cids.
The phrase "North America" has five syllables. The syllables of the phrase are north-a-mer-i-ca.
The phrase "primary school" has four syllables. The syllables in the phrase are pri-ma-ry-school.
The phrase 'went baff fishing' has four syllables.
The phrase "beautiful garden" has five syllables. The syllables of the phrase are beau-ti-ful-gar-den.
The phrase "elephant trainer" has five syllables. The syllables of the phrase are el-e-phant-trai-ner.
The word "phrase" has one syllable.