2 Syllables. The P Does NOT Count As A Syllable.
The word "count" has only one syllable in it.
"Syllable count" is the number of syllables that are in any word. (i.e. how many syllables you can count)For example, the word "answer" has two syllables. We know this because when you break up the word, there are two "parts" that we count. The first part is "An" whilst the second part is "swer". An-swer.A good way to count how many syllables a word has is by clapping when you say a word. The number of claps you make is the number of syllables a word has.
Yes it has 2 syllables. the best way to tell how many syllables a word has is to count the vowels as that will be the maximum. Also count how many times you chin drops when you say the word.
5. count on your fingers.
There are three syllables in accountant. Ac-count-ant.
There are three syllables in arable. A-ra-ble. One way to count how many syllables in a word is to count how many times your chin moves down.
Two syllables. Count-er.
2 Syllables. The P Does NOT Count As A Syllable.
Two syllables: Count-y.
count it
2. you can count the syllables by clapping. You can also count how many breaths you breathe on your hand while saying the word.
The word "count" has only one syllable in it.
"Syllable count" is the number of syllables that are in any word. (i.e. how many syllables you can count)For example, the word "answer" has two syllables. We know this because when you break up the word, there are two "parts" that we count. The first part is "An" whilst the second part is "swer". An-swer.A good way to count how many syllables a word has is by clapping when you say a word. The number of claps you make is the number of syllables a word has.
3. You count syllables by counting how many times your chin drops.
Count how many times your mouth opens when you say the word. There are 6 syllables.
Yes it has 2 syllables. the best way to tell how many syllables a word has is to count the vowels as that will be the maximum. Also count how many times you chin drops when you say the word.