Source: Prep school English teacher for 13 years.
As with any word, how many syllables depends on how you say it. For this word, most people would probably say it in one syllable... "reigned" with no break. If you are trying to fit it into iambic pentameter or are trying to do a fake medieval accent, you might say it "reign-ed" and then it would be two syllables. In general though, I would go with one. Seems less pretentious. :)
The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
There are 2 syllables are in the word advance.
The word antelope has three syllables. The syllables in the word are an-te-lope.
The word prepared has two syllables. The syllables in the word are pre-pared.
There is 1 syllable.
The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
The syllables in the word what is only 1 : "what".
The word has three syllables.
The word apotex has three syllables. The syllables in the word are a-po-tex.
There are three syllables in the word taxation. The syllables of the word are tax-a-tion.
The word prophets has two syllables. The syllables of the word are pro-phets.
there are two (2) syllables in the word answer.
The word managed has two syllables. The syllables in the word are man-aged.
There are two syllables in the word woman. The syllables of the word are wo-man.
The word burnol has two syllables. The syllables in the word are bur-nol.