The word "familiar" has four syllables.
There are 14 syllables.
it has three syllables
5 syllables
3 syllables
The word "Kansas" has two syllables.
The name Kansas has two syllables. The syllables in the name are Kan-sas.
"How many syllables does the word city have?" The word city has two syllables: cit-y(SiT-Ee)
There are many Budget Truck rental facilities in Kansas City. Some are located in Kansas City, Kansas and some are in Kansas City, Missouri. There are also many in the Kansas City suburbs.
It is 173 miles from Salina, Kansas to Kansas City. Kansas and 175 miles to Kansas City. Missouri.
how many miles is kansas city to South Carolina
The population of Kansas City is approximately 463,202 people.
Dodge City is in Kansas.
How many road miles is it from Wichita to Kansas City?
How many mile is it from kansas city to estes park?
In 2008, Kansas City had 80 days with measurable precipitation.
5...Kansas City, Topeka (Top City), Central Kansas , Leavenworth (Prison City), Witchita