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The phrase 'just like a bright fire' has six syllables. (Just like a bright fi-re)

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Q: How many syllables are in Just like a bright fire?
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In songs, they often just rhyme the last word, so you could try something like "he's a liar" -- 3 syllables, with the last one rhyming. (In the song "Light My Fire" by the Doors, that is what they do-- they rhyme fire with liar, and higher and even pyre.)

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ONE SYLLABLE!! :)Try and clap it out, like if you did syllables, it would be syll-a-bles.But tell, is just tell :DHope this helped ;)

How many syllables does wives have?

One. If you have problems like this, just clap it out. That is how I learned. does that help?