The word mulled has one syllable. To determine how many syllables a word has, say the word aloud and count how many "parts" is has. For example, when you say the word syllable, it is broken up into three parts - syll-a-ble.
The word "have" has just one syllable.
The word "to" has one syllable.
The word 'cool' has one syllable.
There are three syllables in the word "syllable."
The word mulled has one syllable. To determine how many syllables a word has, say the word aloud and count how many "parts" is has. For example, when you say the word syllable, it is broken up into three parts - syll-a-ble.
There are two syllables. Cli-mate.
There is one syllable for the word what.
How many parts are in the chop up below. That's how much. ho-tel
The word "have" has just one syllable.
The word "tell" has one syllable.
The word "gum" has one syllable.
The word "dread" has one syllable.
The word "past" has one syllable.
The word "strap" has one syllable.
The word plant has one syllable. This means that there is no syllable divide for this word.
In the word "the", there is one syllable.