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2. Every time your jaw drops, there is a new syllable. Re-use.

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Q: How many syllable is in the verb reuse?
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Related questions

Is the word reuse a verb?

Yes, "reuse" can function as a verb when used to describe the action of using something again.

What part of speech is the word reuse?

Reuse is a verb (to use something again) and a noun (in a state of reuse).

How many syllables does the verb is have?

The word does has one syllable.

What is the accent syllables for conflict?

Conflict can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, the accent is on the first syllable. As a verb, the accent is on the second syllable.

What parts of speech is reuse?

"Reuse" can function as a verb or a noun. As a verb, it means to use something again. As a noun, it refers to the action or process of using something again.

What is the accented syllable in permits?

First syllable if used as a noun, second syllable if used as a verb.

How do you spell re-use?

Normally the same way as you didThe noun "reuse" (another use) and the verb form "to reuse", do not use a hyphen.

How do you use the word reuse in a sentence?

(the noun and verb are pronounced differently)The air filter was washable so that you could reuse it.The reuse of pesticide containers can be dangerous.

Which syllables is stressed the first pronunciation of the verb prefix?

In the first pronunciation of the verb prefix, the stress is typically on the second syllable. For example, in the word "decrease," the stress is on the syllable "crease."

Which syllable is the accented syllable research?

It can be either, depending on whether it's used as a noun or a verb.

Is compress a verb or noun?

It is both. The spelling is the same, but the pronunciation is different. For the verb form, the second syllable is stressed. For the noun form, the first syllable is stressed.

What syllable is stressed in the first pronuncation of the verb prefix?

The word prefix has two syllables. When used as a verb, the stress is no the second syllable. The syllables are pre-fix'.