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Q: How many steps are there for the palindrome 98?
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What are the steps to complete the palindrome of 98?

There is 24 steps in the palindrome 98

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What is the palindrome for 98?

The palindrome for 98 is 89. It's like a little number boomerang, always coming back to where it started. So next time you see 98, just remember it's the same forwards and backwards, just like your favorite guilty pleasure movie.

What is the palindrome for 89 and 98?

898 and 8998.

Answer for 98 pallendrom for math?

I needed the answer to the same question and found a list of numeric palindrome answers at the site I linked below. Specifically for 98, it is a 24-step problem with the answer of 8,813,200,023,188. And the answer is the same for 89 also in 24-steps.

How much steps it takes to find the palindrome of 89?

24 i think

What is a palindrome in maths in 2 steps?

12321 is a palindrome number race car is one too they can be the same number or word(s) when written backwards

What is a 2 step palindrome?

19 is a two step palindrome because it takes two steps or two addition sums to make it a palindrome. Step 1 is 19 plus 91 equals 110. Step 2 110 plus 011 is equal to 121 and 121 is a palindrome.

How many steps are at the Lincoln memorial?

There are 58 steps leading up to the Lincoln Memorial in Washinton D.C. Two of the steps represent the terms of he president, and the other 56 steps are from the age Lincoln was when he died. ADDED BY MRSMDDIXON My son counted 87 from the reflection pool, which equals 4scores and 7yrs at least that's what i think.

What is 98 centimeters in inches?

98 centimeters is approximately 38.58 inches when converted.