F major contains no sharps at all. It contains one flat.
The major scale with 2 sharps is D major, they are F and C sharp.
C major has no sharps or flats.
A major
The three sharps in A major are F, C, and G.
There are no sharps or flats in C Major.
F major contains no sharps at all. It contains one flat.
The major scale with 2 sharps is D major, they are F and C sharp.
C major has no sharps or flats.
A major
The three sharps in A major are F, C, and G.
The major scale with five sharps is B major. The five sharps, in written order, according to the key signature, are F#, C#, G#, D#, A#.
The B major scale has 5 sharps: F#, C#, G#, D#, A#.
None. F Major only consists of a Bb
G Major has one sharp, which is F sharp.