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There's no rule and it is impossible to give a number.

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Q: How many sentences are in a conclusion?
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Related questions

What sentence follows the supporting sentences?

Statistics can be found in supporting sentences.

How many sentences should be in an essay?

An essay typically consists of five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph usually contains around 3-5 sentences.

What are characteristic of paragraph?

It consists of 5-7 sentences. There is a topic sentence, 3 supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence.

An excellent way to approach writing one's is to review topic sentences?


Why are short sentences used?

These are: As Introduction As Conclusion As a bridge to the next paragraph

A conclusion should summarize the main points of the paper rehashing them-?

A conclusion should summarize the main points of the paper by rephrasing them in shorter sentences.

How is a letter like an essay in terms of structure?

Has a thesis, three topic sentences and a conclusion.

What are conclusion sentences?

who dont know that its what sums up what you wrote before and explaining your writing

What are a few phrases that begin sentences or paragraphs?

In conclusion, Nonetheless, It is important to note that, Furthermore,

What is Format 1?

Its 1 full paragraph which is 5 sentences long. Intro (1 sentence), topic (3 sentences), conclusion (1 sentence).

What do clinch sentences do?

They are sentences that make a conclusion in a paragraph. It may give a summary or a a possible solution to an issue that has been discussed during the paragraph or a full document.

What are some conclusion sentences?

who dont know that its what sums up what you wrote before and explaining your writing