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Three. Secondary colours are achieved by mixing two of the primary colours.

Red and yellow make orange, red and blue make purple, and yellow and blue make green.

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Q: How many secondary colors are they?
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How many secondary colors is their?

There are 3 primary colors (red, blue and yellow) and 3 secondary colors (purple, orange and green).

How could you use primary colors to produce secondary colors?

You use primary colors to mix together, and you can get many secondary colours, depending on how many different combinations you try. Was this question a joke??

How many secondary colors is there?

There are 3 secondary colors, which are green, orange, and purple. Of course, these come in a great many variations. The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. Secondary colors are made by a combination of two primary colors. Blue + yellow = green, red + yellow = orange, and red + blue = purple.

Why are secondary colors considered secondary?

They are secondary colors because they can be created by mixing the primary colors. The secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. These aren't just considered the secondary colors, they are the official secondary colors. The always have been and they always will. Answer The three primary colors are red, green and blue. When the primary colors are mixed, they assemble three secondary colors, which are: Yellow. Cyan. Magenta.

What is after Secondary Colors?

After secondary colors, the next step in color mixing is creating tertiary colors. Tertiary colors are a combination of one primary color and one secondary color. These colors are made by mixing adjacent primary and secondary colors on the color wheel.

How do you call the color that are produced by mixing primary colors and secondary colors?

The colors produced by mixing primary colors and secondary colors are known as tertiary colors. These colors are created by combining adjacent primary and secondary colors on the color wheel.

How are the secondary colors of light related to the primary colors?

Because there would be no secondary colors without primary colors mixing together.

Which are the secondary color?

The secondary colors are green, orange, and purple. These colors are created by mixing two primary colors together in equal parts.

What are colors that aren't primary colors called?

Colors that aren't primary colors are called secondary colors, intermediate colors, or tertiary colors, depending on how they are created.

What three colors are considered secondary colors?

The secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. These aren't just considered the secondary colors, they are the official secondary colors. The always have been and they always will.AnswerThe three primary colors are red, green and blue.When the primary colours are mixed, they assemble three secondary colours, which are:1. Yellow.2. Cyan.3. Magenta.

What are the 20 secondary colors?

There are only three secondary colors, orange, green and purple.

What arre the three secondary colors?

The three secondary colors are orange, green and violet.