What are the different chromatics to natural singing?
Based on an octave of 12 semitones, as opposed to a seven-note DIATONIC scale. A chromatic scale consists of an ascending or descending line of semitones. An instrument is said to be chromatic if throughout all or most of its compass it can produce all the semitones. Chromatic, a word ultimately derived from the Greek noun which means "complexion" or "color", and then from the Greek adjective χρωματικός (khrōmatikós; "colored"), may refer to: In music: Chromatic scale, the western-tempered twelve-tone scale. Chromatic chord, chords built from tones chromatically altered from the native scale of the musical composition. Chromaticism, the use of chromatic scales, chords, and modulations. Total chromatic, the use of all twelve pitches of the chromatic scale in tonal music. Chromatic genus, a genus of divisions of the tetrachord characterized by an upper interval of a minor third.Diatonic and chromatic, as a property of several structures, genres, and other features in music, often contrasted with diatonic. http://www.answers.com/chromatic?cat=health