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In recent years the US has made anywhere from 5 to 14 billion cents* every year depending on demand, so that works out to 13.7 million to 38.4 million daily. These figures are of course just averages, because the amounts change every year.

(*) To be annoyingly technical, the answer should be "none" because the coins are really cents, but we all call 'em pennies anyway ...

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Q: How many pennies are made in the US in a day?
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How many pennies were made in 2012?

According to the US mint, 6015.2 million pennies were made in 2012.

When was the silver penny made?

The US never made silver pennies. In 1943 the US made steel pennies. These are often mistaken for silver pennies.

When was silver in pennies?

The US has never made silver pennies. It would cost way to much to make silver pennies because of the value of silver. Many people think that in 1943 pennies were made out of silver however they are actually made out of zinc and steel.

What is the record of most pennies?

I don't uderstand you question. If you are refering to how many pennies the US has made i don't think that there is a way to figure that out due to the fact that no one knows how many pennies were made each year in the mints early years.

What is US pennies made of?

US pennies are made of a copper-plated zinc composition. They are composed of 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper.

How many pennies were made in 2007?

In 2007, the three US Mints produced 7,401,200,000 pennies. That is equal to 40,800,441 pounds of the one cent pieces.

When was us pennies made?

1938 IN a MINT

Who is on the silver penny?

Nobody. The US never made silver pennies. In 1943 the US made steel pennies. These are often mistaken for silver. In 1943 Abraham Lincoln was on the US penny.

How long were silver pennies in circulation?

The US has never made silver pennies. It would cost way to much to make silver pennies because of the value of silver. Many people think that in 1943 pennies were made out of silver however they are actually made out of zinc and steel. So actually they have never been in circulation.

What are medals that the US pennies are made of?

Copper zinc

Did the US ever made steel pennies?


Is a penny an magnet?

No. Pennies were made of copper (Now US pennies are made of copper plated zinc) Magnets are made of iron or other ferro-magnetic metals.