If you mean how many months left in a year, then it would be eight months left in that year.
5 times with 4 left over.
You have only two left.
There are 2.4 minutes left
You would have 1 apple left.
Current estimates vary between 900 and 2000 numbats left in the wild. It is doubtful whether numbers differed very much in the ten years ago.
There are not many numbats in zoos, and the only zoo that has them is Perth Zoo in Western Australia. Two animals sanctuaries have numbats: Yookamurra in South Australia and Scotia in New South Wales, the latter allowing no public access to its sanctuary. The aim of keeping a few breeding numbats in captivity is so that new individuals can be released into the wild, rather than for display.
Current figures place the population of the numbat at between 900 and 1500 adults.
Numbats have soft fur.
It is not known why adult numbats have so many teeth, more than other marsupials, as they swallow termites whole. Young numbats use their teeth for grinding termites, but do not continue this behaviour.
Numbats are officially listed as endangered.
Yes, numbats have lungs. Numbats are mammals, and all mammals have lungs and a full respiratory system.
There are more numbats in the wild than there are in captivity. The captive population is constantly changing. There are not many numbats in zoos, and the only zoo that has them is Perth Zoo in Western Australia. Two animals sanctuaries have numbats: Yookamurra in South Australia and Scotia in New South Wales, the latter allowing no public access to its sanctuary. The aim of keeping a few breeding numbats in captivity is so that new individuals can be released into the wild, rather than for display.
No. Numbats are found only in Western Australia.
Numbats are native to Australia.
Numbats are still endangered, with a population trend that is decreasing.
The greatest threat to numbats would be the fox, an introduced species. It is closely followed by feral cats in the threat it poses to numbats.