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He had no children with elsa but they raised Albert children from his previous marriage 

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Q: How many kids did Albert Einstein have with Elsa?
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How many kids does Albert Einstein have?

Albert Einstein has 1 child

How many wife did Albert Einstein get and who are they?

Einstein was married twice, to: Mileva Maric from 1903-1919 Elsa Lowenthal 1919-1936

How many wives did Albert Einstein have?

He had Two wives. First he married Mileva Maric who bore him three children. After divorcing her, Einstein married his own cousin, Elsa Lowenthal Einstein. Ever since the marriage between Elsa and Albert, they have been together until death.

How many kids did Albert Einstein have with his second wife?

Einstein's second wife Elsa had three children with her first husband. Her son died in infancy, but her two daughters lived with her and Einstein; they were already related to him by blood (Elsa and Albert were both first cousins... their mothers were sisters... and first cousins once removed, as their fathers had also been first cousins) and took the last name Einstein. They didn't have any children together.

How many wives did Einstein have?

He had Two wives. First he married Mileva Maric who bore him three children. After divorcing her, Einstein married his own cousin, Elsa Lowenthal Einstein. Ever since the marriage between Elsa and Albert, they have been together until death.

How many children does Albert Einstein have?

Albert Einstein has 1 child

How many siblings did Albert Einstein have?

Albert Einstein had one sister named Maria Einstein but Albert called her Maja

How many grand kids did albert Einstein have?

three two sons,hans and eduard and a daughter lieserl

Are there any books about Albert Einsteins?

Yes, there are many books about Albert Einstein.

How many babies did Einstein have and what are their names?

Albert Einstein had three children. A daughter; Lieserl Einstein, and two sons; Hans Albert Einstein and Eduard Einstein.

How many children did Albert Einstein have?

Albert Einstein had 3 (three) children with his first wife. .

How many kids did Albert Einstein have with his first wife?

3 two of wich were males were males. he then married and got two stepdaughters. 1.lieserl maric. was put up for adoption as soon as possible. 2. hans albert einstein 3.eduard einstein