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40 days.

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Q: How many days did it take the earth to dry up after the Noah's flood?
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How many days were there in noahs arc flood?

40 days and 40 nights

How many people were not on Noahs ark?

The eight of Noahs family escaped the flood the rest of mankind died.

How many days did water flood the earth?

According to the Bible, the flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights.

How many cubits high did the water rise in Noahs flood?

A:A cubit is too small a measure for the biblical Flood. Taken literally, the Flood would have risen kilometres above normal sea level, to cover the whole earth, including the highest mountains in Tibet. As the flood waters receded, The Ark supposedly landed on Mount Ararat, the highest peak in the Middle East.

How many sails on Noahs ark?

Probably there were no sails on Noah's ark because the ark was built solely for withstanding the world flood, not for going in a certain direction.

How many days and nights of the great flood?

the great flood was 40 days, i think lol

How many days did it rain when god made the flood?

40 days and 40 nights

Was there really such a thing as Noah's Ark?

Yes, this is a worldwide tradition, recorded in the annals of very many ancient nations. And the evidence of the Flood is still there to see.

How many venus days how many earth years?

It's about 224.7 Earth days.

How many days does earth have?

earth has 365 days

How many days it took for Noah to see dry land after the flood?


How many earth days are there in a mercury year?

88 earth days