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Not quite sure, but I suspect it's something quite precocious!

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Q: How many colours can you make out of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
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there are 5 Olympic rings and all the colours that are in the rings are the colours of the countries flags in whom are participating

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i think its like browns and reds and dark colours like that not very many bright colours at all.

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Just two, the second letter and the second-to-last.

How many colors have light?

Light has 7 colours. The colours are those that make up a rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

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There are millions of differnt shades or colours of blusher. It all depends on the make, for exmaple: mac have probebly over 20 diffrent colours howver benefit only have about 5 or 6. Every make has tons of diffrent colours. It would be pratically impossible to fin out how many exactly

What colours are available in Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara?

There are many colours available, just like many other mascara make up pieces. Colours are not limited, as Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara offers so many different colours that include purple, green, pink and even black.

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Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious takes 34 letters to spell.

What is the set of secondary colors?

Primary colours cannot be created by mixing other colours, they are colours in their own right. Secondary colours are Primary colours that can be mixed to make another colour eg...primary Yellow and Blue will make Green Blue and red will make purple red and yellow will make orange