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Q: How many chapters are in the New Testament of the Bible?
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How many chapters does the Bible have?

There are 1189 chapters In the bible. 929 In The Old Testament and 260 In the New Testament.

How many chapters in Tamil Bible?

929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters i the New Testament, 1189 in total No of chapters in the Tamil Bible

What New Testament Bible book has 66 chapters?

No book of the New Testament has 66 chapters.

How many chapters in the old and New Testament?

There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the New Testament.

How many chapters and verses are there in the Bible?

There are 1,189 chapters and over 31,000 verses in the Bible (Old and New Testament) based on the King James Version. The Catholic Bible, however, has additional books in the Old Testament, which adds to the total number of chapters and verses.

How many chapters are in the old and New Testaments?

There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the New Testament.

What New Testament book has the most chapters?

Each of the Bible Books of Matthew and Acts have 28 chapters.

How many chapters are there in the Catholic Bible?

As per the Revised Standard Version, there are 1330 chapters. Old Testament-1069 and New Testament -261.

How many verses each chapter New Testament?

The Old Testament has 39 chapters, the New Testament has 27 chapters.

Why is Isaiah called Bible of the Bible?

it is because in old testament there are 39 books and 27 in n.t so,in isaiah 36 chapters are old and 27 new testament

Are there two identical chapters in the New Testament?

No there are NO identical chapters anywhere in the New or Old Testament.

What chapters and verses in the bible mentions the holy spirit?

The Holy Spirit is mentioned throughout the New Testament.