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Q: How many angels were before man creation?
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What was angels role with the creation of man?

The Bible does not mention angels having ANY role in the creation of man. The Lord created man Himself.

If Adam and Eve were God's first creation where did the angels come from?

According to the Bible, God created All things. (Angels sometime before Man on the sixth day)Additional thoughts:Adam and Eve were not God's 'first creation'. They were his first HUMAN creation on earth. His spirit son in heaven was his very FIRST creation (Colossians 1:15), and the Bible at Job 38:4+7 tells us that the angels were already in existence before the earth was formed, and were, infact, 'shouting in applause' as God created it.

What really happened before Genesis in the Bible?

The Bible does not record information before the events described in Genesis, as its main concerns are the nature of God and Man and salvation within the lifetime of the Earth. However, Genesis does describe the Angels assisting God in creating the Earth, leading us to believe that the Angels were a prior creation. Genesis also describes matter (water) existing in space before the "Six days of Creation" (and the beginning of Time) began.

How do you protect angel falls?

When God tested the angels, Lucifer convinced some of the angels to rebel against God. Others stayed loyal to the Lord. This was before creation of man. The angels that stayed loyal to God before can never fall because they have seen God himself who is beautiful and made Heaven a wonderful place. Who would want to leave God for a dreadful place as Hell? The angels of God can never fall because they are pure spiritual being created to serve God. As for the fallen angels they are forever doomed. The angels of God who were loyal are forever blessed!

How many times does God mention creation of man?

The creation of man is mentioned many times throughout the Bible the Koran and other holy books.

Who was first on Earth - Satan or Man?

According to Job the angels sang at creation so Satan (back then known as Lucifer according to Ezekiel) probably was there first.

What does Luke Chapter 12 Verse 8 say?

I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God. -Luke 12:8-9

Did angels have free will before or after man was created?

According to Judaism, angels do not, in practical terms, have free will. This is because they are constantly in God's presence, so disobeying Him isn't really a choice.

Where in the Bible do God and Satan talk before man was made?

There is no place in the canonical Biblical texts where God and Satan talk to each other before man is created. Many events, such as the creation of the angels (including Satan) take place "off stage" -- they're not recorded, though we know they must have happened because they are referred to later. Jesus declares in the Christian New Testament that he witnessed Satan "fall like lightning from heaven" but there is no suggestion that they spoke to each other.

In the 6 days of creation why was man the last creation?

It's difficult to answer this, but i guess it's because all the previous things were created in order to enable the creation of man. For example the light (i guess it's metaphorical for the universe) or animals to provide food. Also you can notice that man is the greatest of the creation so his importance is emphasized by that he was created on the sixth day, the day before God rested.

Why did god curse his creation?

God did not curse His creation but the actions which his creation (Man) committed. Man is perfect in his bodily creation but imperfect in the use of the intelligence it possesses.

Who came first Jesus or man?

Jesus Christ preexisted the creation. Man is part of the creation.