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Q: How many STDs did Errol Flynn have when he failed his navy medical exam 6 or 14?
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Am i a slut if I've slept with more than 50 guys at the age of 13?

yup, bar none... do you have any STDs? be careful by the time you are 20 guys have radar and won't touch you with a ten foot pole. (other than the really cr*ppy kinds of guys you wouldn't want to date)

Why would an IQ test be developed so most people would score between 85 and 115?

An IQ test is simply a (somewhat flawed) means of assessing a person's "relative intelligence". It is important that IQ is not extremely important when working with such a measure in psychology. Now, the IQ test is designed such that scores follow a pattern known as a "normal distribution". This is not simply an expected distribution! This distribution is very important in the study of statistics, and has many applications to scientific disciplines (such as psychology). A standard deviation is essentially a measure of distance from the mean. For example, say that the average person lives to be 75, with a standard deviation of 4. This means that a person who lives to be 79 would be one standard deviation above the mean, and a person who lives to be 67 would be two standard deviations below the mean. As a table depicting the normal distribution can show, one standard deviation above the mean is at the 84th percentile, while one standard deviation below the mean is at the 16th percentile (two stds above: 97.5th, two stds below: 2.5th) This means that an IQ score of 115 is at the 84th percentile, while an IQ score of 85 is at the 16th percentile. 68% of all people are within this range, and that is "most" people.

What practice should be done to control ejaculation for at least 20 minutes?

(PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS POST. THESE METHODS ACTUALLY DO WORK AND MAY HELP SOMEBODY. My boyfriend is prime example. He used to have PE very badly and was a two minute man. We went on the internet to find some answers to PE. For him, using a condom worked wonders for us. We never used condoms because I was on birth control. But we also tried these other methods and the zinc helped him too. So please do not remove this post and say something foolish. It can help somebody with PE be more happy sexually with his partner.)If you want to last at least twenty minutes with your woman but you have premature ejaculation, here are a few options:1. Wearing a condom. (Yes, a lot of men do not like wearing condoms due to the feeling they lack while having sex. But this lack of feeling you get is what is going to prevent you from ejaculating too soon. Sometimes premature ejaculation is caused by your penis is too sensitive to vaginal penetration. A condom can help in this case.) Not to mention you're protected from STDS if you have sex casually.2. Trying penile exercises. These exercises are not just for trying to increase length and size, but they also may help you with premature ejaculation if you are sensitive to your partner's vagina. Sometimes premature ejaculation is caused when a man who was a frequent masturbator tries to switch from masturbating (which his body is very used to) to intercourse. Your body is therefore not used to the squeezing, the wetness, etc. So to try to decrease your PE, you should slowly work your way from masturbating dry-handed to wet-handed while doing your exercises to slowly get your body used to the feel of the vagina. I would also recommend that if you try this method to buy a male masturbator toy because these toys are made to similate the vagina and have a texture that would be more realistic to the vagina than your hand is.3. Take Zinc. Zinc has been known to benefit men with PE by helping control their ejaculations and it also helps you overall--immune system support and reproductive health.4. Masturbate before you have sex with your woman. Your body will get rid of the semen you accumulated when you became aroused. Once it has gotten rid of this semen, it will start to build more semen until you can ejaculate again. It takes twenty minutes or longer for your penis to ejaculate again in the typical male. Just be sure you're still ready to have sex. You can always (if the masturbation decreased your need for the intercourse) pleasure your woman in foreplay until your penis is ready to go again. This will not only keep your woman stimulated so that she can be very wet and ready for you, but will excite you so that you can go again.5. When you are having sex, use the stop and go method. If you feel a tingling sensation like you are going to ejaculate, stop moving. Do not pull out of your woman's vagina because this will make her vagina shrink and when you put your penis back in she could feel some pain. But do hold your position until the tingling stops. Then start moving again. You can always keep your woman pleased in this method by telling her dirty things or loving things (whatever she likes to hear) while you are not moving, therefore she will remain wet and excited for when you continue to move again. Or you can play with her clitoris with your finger, keeping your penis inside her, but not moving it.6. The pull on your testicles method. Your testicles get close to your body when you are about to ejaculate. Try pulling them down, away from your body. This will not only keep you distracted from the pleasure in the sex (which keeps you from being stimulated and tingling) but will also pull the heat away from your sperm. The heat is what gets those guys moving really fast and ready to explode. So if you pull them down you will expose them to a slightly cooler temperature and they will bundle together. (This method does not always work from my experience, but you can try it.)7. There is a last technique to premature ejaculation: Keep moving. Do not stay in the same sexual position. Get on top, get on bottom, do it from behind, do it in the front, lay side by side, etc. Keep your body moving. What this does is provides your penis with both good and negative stimulation. Let's say you feel more pleasure when your woman is on top--then you try getting on top instead. Try decreasing your pleasure and increasing your pleasure by moving around. It'll tell your penis that it is not allowed to cum yet.

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Does hydrogen peroxide cure STDs?

No, hydrogen peroxide does not cure sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STDs require medical diagnosis and treatment by a healthcare provider. It is important to seek medical advice for proper treatment of STDs.

What can cause difficult urination including trickling and pain?

These symptoms are typical of a number of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Please check with a medical professional. There are free clinics in most cities that can help. STDs do not cure themselves. If left untreated, they can be very dangerous. And you don't want to get the reputation as someone who passes STDs around!

Where can I find sexually transmitted disease preventation sites?

A good medical website about the prevention of STDs is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, located at A website that provides photographs of different STDs is

Why is it important to know how to prevent sexual transmitted diseases STDs?

some stds may cause cancer stds areexpensive to manage some stds can cause death

What is the primary means of transmissions of STDs?

The cause of STDs is unprotected sex.

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The abbreviation for studies is "studies" or "stds."

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What are the two categories for STD?

Two categories of STDs are "curable" and "incurable." Of the curable STDs, the causes may be bacterial or parasitic. The incurable STDs are viral.

Why is it important to know how to prevent sexual transmitted diseases?

some stds may cause cancer stds areexpensive to manage some stds can cause death

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