See link "CBS Church Attendance in Decline." It only shows percentage not numbers of
Church Attendees.
Christians typically pray whenever, wherever, for whatever and whoever. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says "pray without ceasing." However, most Christians pray in the morning when they wake up, before meals, and before they go to bed. But they also pray anytime they want to talk to God. People pray when walking, jogging, shopping, sitting... in church or out of church. Christians have standard prayers, like "The Lord's Prayer", "Hail Mary", etc. However, many Christians begin their prayer with "Dear God", but in the Christian beliefs, referring to God includes the Trinity: God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit.
There are no accurate statistics on how many Christians have read the Bible in its entirety. It is important to remember that to read and understand the Bible as you go can be a serious challenge to faith. There are so many errors, improbabilities and inconsistencies in the Bible that arguably many who read it in this manner might cease to be such committed Christians by the time they finished the task.
There are many different answers to the question of American church attendance. One study concluded that about 40% of Americans claim to go to church but only about 18% actually attend church regularly.
The NT doesn't compare the local church (the church you go to) with a body. But it does compare the universal church (all believers in Christ) to a body.The universal church is like a body because it is made up of many parts (believers).These parts should function in harmony together - just as the many parts of a body function together.No part is more important than another part. Every part has a function.Just as a head leads/controls a body, Christ is the head of the universal church.Comment: Just what do you mean by universal as a mainstream church carries this as part of its name? The Bible calls the Church Jesus established, 'the Church of God,' in about 12 places in the N.T.. Is this your 'universal' Church?? This Church, by the way, has always had the 'little flock.'
There aren't any to be a Christian you also have to believe is the Bible..AnswerAnswer from a Catholic perspective: It depends on what you mean by "believe in the Bible." The Catholic Church, in the first century wrote the various books of the New Testament as part of her preaching. Nearly four centuries later, she determined which of the New Testament writings were inspired by God, were infallible, and which were not. To that extent, to be a Christian means that you must believe in everything that is contained in the Bible. However, many people nowadays use the word "Christian" to denote someone who believes in Jesus Christ but is not a member of the Catholic Church which He founded. When Martin Luther left the Church to form his own, he settled on the Bible as the rule of faith, which doesn't make any sense as Our Blessed Lord didn't write a Bible, nor command His followers to write one, and there was no New Testament, as we have now, for nearly four hundred years of the Church's existence. Nevertheless, these heretics, most of whom started out as protestant, settled on the Bible as their rule of faith, and believe that it is the only revelation that Our Blessed Lord left them. Many people who believe this call themselves Christians because of this, but do not belong to Christ's Church. True Christians may not believe this as Our Blessed Lord left the fullness of His revelation to His Church, and send the Holy Spirit to guide it always. He never spoke of a New Testament, and did not guarantee the one that we have, only the Church guarantees that. So a true Christian believes in the Bible because they believe in Christ's Church, they do NOT believe "in" the Bible. Answer:If the question begs; "How many Christians believe what the Bible SAYS?" -- then, should an honest poll be taken... it would be discovered that very few modern professing Christians have read the Bible. And fewer still have studied it, to KNOW what it says.The vast majority were "told" what the Bible says by their parents, grandparents [and their denominational church]... and very few have bothered to dig into the Bible itself to see if any of it's true.In other words... most modern professing Christians "believe what they have been TOLD ABOUT the Bible [with few having a clue what it says]. With the crux of modern professing Christian belief revolving around the global traditional holidays of Christmas and Easter [pagan observances, both not commanded in the Bible]; and a preoccupation with the elusive thought of "going to heaven" [not the biblical promise of God to men, but the innermost obsessive desire of Satan to go there to depose God from His throne over the universe]."For thou hast said in thine heart, I WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN [I will go to heaven], I will exalt my throne above the stars of God [the angels - Rev.1:20]... I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High." (Isa.14:13-14)So, most modern professing Christians believe what they have been TOLD the Bible says. Because, if they read it and studied it... they would discover much of what they were told is the opposite of what the Bible says."False Christianity" is the FIRST "end time sign" Jesus warns His servants, Christians, to beware of. It's written in the Bible... yet few have read it, much less "believe it":"...Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in My name, saying, I AM Christ; and shall deceive many." (Matt.24:4-5)The several hundreds of divided, doubting and confused modern religious denominations, today, calling themselves "Christian" bears testimony to Jesus' warning.Most don't KNOW what the Bible says, to prove or disprove any of it, to know what to "believe" about it. Instead... the majority of modern professing Christians "believe what they are TOLD about the Bible."
They are nominally more than 2 billion Christians but not all of them are active to go to the church.
CHRISTIANS You'll find Christians in church, but anyone can go to church. Being a Christian is not a prerequisite to going to church.
You can go to church and not be baptized, but to be recognized as a Christian to the church you have to be baptized.
i do! dats 1...
more than 2 billion christians yet an unknown amount of people who go to church
An unaffiliated Christian is a Christian who does not have a denomination nor a membership in a church. Unaffiliated Christians will attend more than one church; unaffiliated Christians will go to one type of church on one Sunday and will go to a different church the following Sunday. I believe that this practice is increasing and it might be because many Christians do not feel that their personal beliefs are compatible with church teachings.
yes he does go to church because he is christian not all christians go to church my dad is a christian he doesn't go to church
Christians must go to church as they can learn the bible better and have communion, and they need the church when they get married, children get baptised and for funierals.
Muslims go to Mosques and Christians go to churches.
Yeah they go every Sunday
Most do.
On the internet.