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Q: How long has the quantitative approach been used?
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Answer this question…They also point out that quantitative and experimental methods have been used to understand social problems and criticize prevailing ideologies in a way

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Is sensory information used in quantitative investigations?

No, sensory information is used in qualitative investigations. Quantitative investigations involve numbers.

What is a list of the roles of quantitative technique in business?

The quantitative technique in business is used to analyze quantitative data to enable the professionals make well informed decisions.

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What is deductive study?

Deductive study is a research approach where researchers start with a theory and develop hypotheses that are then tested through data collection and analysis. The goal is to determine if the theory holds true based on the evidence gathered. This approach is often used in quantitative research to confirm or refute existing theories.

How is a spectrophotometer used?

The spectrophototometer is used in quantitative analytical chemistry.

What is used to make quantitative observations?

A quantitative observation can observe numerical information, a control, non numerical information, and a system. A quantitative observation is observed through looking at things.

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Quantitative skills

What is the definition of the term quantitative methods?

The definition of the term quantitative methods is the range of mathematical and statistical techniques used to analysis data. This is primarily used in math equations.