how long does 3 miles take with a car
How long does it take to walk 0.21 miles
Fibonacci was a brilliant man. He actually invented something called the Fibonacci code. It starts like this: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584. It is an interminable code and nobody really works on it professionally because it is impossibly long. 'What do you have to do to solve it?' is probably what you are asking yourself, so i will tell you. You put down the number zero, then you put down the next consecutive number, which is one, and then you add the two. You take the answer of 0+1, which is one, and then put it as the next number in the code. Next you take the answer to the problem that you just solved, which is one, and add it to the number before it, one, then you have the next number in the code. You go on and on.
If you take a right triangle and move it to the right of a parallelogram, it creates a trapezium.
a long time.....................................
Samuel Morse invented the telegraph and also the Morse code.
Morse is usually given a capital because it is a person's name. Samuel Morse invented the code.
Flouresence, Inability to decyphr Morse code, sorrow, "she luvs him", 100% Juicy, and Broken Desires.
It allowed messages to be sent across the country or around the world very quickly - within a few hours. Previously messages had to be physically transported so UK to Australia could take 6 weeks or more.
In 1838 Samuel Morse perfected Joseph Henry's invention of the electromagnet. It was not until 1843 that the government funded a telegraph graph line from Washington to Baltimore.
Samuel F B Morse invented the Morse code for the most part. It was more of a personal endeavor inspired by the death of his wife which occurred while he was away from home. He hadn't been informed of the event until weeks later. He then realized that there had to be a faster way to communicate messages of urgency that would take minutes and seconds opposed to weeks and months.
When you have recovered the message from the kitchen table, the diary page from the kitchen trash, and the diary key from the aquarium, you can get messages from C.J. by using the telescope. She is at the school (telescope coordinates x-87 y-16) and the Morse code book is in her bed. You cannot do anything until you have her secret message and the Morse Code book from her bed. But the two messages say "flush the thumb drive" and "thief is mr silva."
The difference is it take wire less reciver
The advantages of Cryptography are:--It hides the message and your privacy is safe.-No one would be able to know what it says unless there's a key to the code.-You can write what ever you want and how ever you want (any theme any symbol for the code) to keep your code a secret.-You are able to use Cryptography during lessons without the teacher knowing. (BUT WILL TAKE LONG TO MAKE THE CODE, TO FIGURE IT OUT AND TO MAKE THE KEY)The disadvantages of Cryptography are:--Takes a long time to figure out the code.-It takes long to create the code.-If you were to send a code to another person in the past, it will take long to get to that person.-OVERALL CRYPTOGRAPHY IT'S A LONG PROCESS.
It will take about 100 years in Pakistan.