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The Bible does not say but Adam died when 930 (Genesis 5:5). A Jewish tradition has Eve dying one day after Adam.

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Q: How long did Eve the Bible character live?
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Does the Bible tell us when Eve died?

o the bible does not tell you when eve because it was very long ago!

Who was the first one to live?

it is unclear. But from the christian bible it was Adam and Eve

How long after Adam was eve made?

The bible does not mention the exact day when Eve was created from Adams rib, But Eve came after Adam.

According to the Bible how long did Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden?

It is not explained in the Bible. So, it can be seven days, or seven thousand years, depending on your computation on how long a day is; human day/24hrs, or, God's day/1000yrs. Adam was created on the sixth day and God rested on the seventh day. It was after this that Adam and Eve fell and were removed from the Garden of Eden. The Scriptures do not reveal how long after God rested that Adam and Eve fell.

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Who is the oldest women to ever live in the Bible?

the oldest woman in the bible is eve because in the bible it dosent at what age she died so it has to be her.=>Debra

Where is eve's death mentioned in the Bible?

there is no mention in the bible about eve's death i am assuming eve died in the same year as Adam

How many eve's were in the Bible?

There is only one eve mentioned in the bible, Adams wife.

What is the Bible reference of Adam and Eve?

The Bible says both Adam and Eve were the first people, and also the first to sin, which happened in the garden of Eden. The Bible talks about Adam and Eve and their children from Genesis 2:4-4:25. The Bible continues to reference back to Adam and Eve throughout the whole Bible.

What is the gematria of Eve and Job in the Bible?

The Gematria of Eve is 19.

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Who is the first woman in the world?

In the Bible, I think it is Eve, as in Adam and Eve.