

How invention the clock?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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7y ago

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Historians do not know who or when mankind "invented" a time-keeping device or "clock". Probably thousands of years ago when someone stuck a stick in the ground and saw the shadow of the sun move across the ground, known as a Sundial.

In ancient Egypt water clocks were used to keep time.

The civil day in ancient cultures was made up of watches. The length of the watch varied with the season, and were called seasonal or temporal hours.

The word CLOCK came into use in the 14th century AD.

The science or art of measuring time or making timepieces is known as Horology.

The name CLOCK, which originally meant BELL, came into use when there were very large mechanical time indicators installed in bell towers in the late Middle Ages. These Clocks were not accurate.

The origin of the word Clock

Clokke = Middle English

Clocca = Medieval Latin

Cloc = Celtic and Old Irish

Clugge = Old English

Glocka = Old High German

The word Bell has been used meaning to: chime, cry out, sound off, clamor and war.

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