1.513325783 x 109 Km at aphelion
The mean distance is 3.844*10^5 kilometres.
About 19.13 A.U. (Astronomical Units). That's just the average distance of course.
The average distance from the earth to the sun is approx 1.5*10^11 metres.
6.7x10 6
93,000,000 miles,or in Scientific Notation:9.3 *10 miles.
1.513325783 x 109 Km at aphelion
The mean distance is 3.844*10^5 kilometres.
The average distance between Earth and Mars is about 225 million kilometers. In scientific notation, this distance is approximately 2.25 x 10^8 kilometers.
Average distance about 2869 million kilometres. That's about 19.13 "Astronomical Units".
About 19.13 A.U. (Astronomical Units). That's just the average distance of course.
The average distance from the earth to the sun is approx 1.5*10^11 metres.
6.7x10 6
As far as it is possible to tell, neither of the two are in scientific notation.
As far as we know, we only use scientific notation here on Earth, for the computing of very large numbers (like the distance between planets) or very small numbers (like the radius of a hydrogen atom).
It is not necessary, but it is far easier to work with very small or very large numbers if you use scientific notation. For example, to calculate gravitational attraction between the earth and some object, you need to use the mass of the earth in the equation. It is far simpler to use 5.972*104 kilograms rather than 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms. It is easy to make a mistake in the long form.
1.787 x 10^9 miles