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One point of view:

The ACCOUNT of Genesis, I suppose, shows 'binary opposition' in the comparison of choices faced by Adam and Eve ...Obedience or Disobedience, Loyalty or Disloyalty, Life or Death.(Same principle sited at: Deuteronomy 30:19)

*God, as the creator, had the right to set the standard and boundaries for mankind, providing them everlasting lifeforever in paradise if obedient.(Genesis 2:17)

*Satan wickedly put himself in God's place, offering opposing standards, causing mankind to breach those boundaries, ultimately leading to death.(Genesis 3:1-5).

Whether it is a myth is an opinion since many learned scholars find accuracy and truth in the Book of Genesis.

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Q: How does the myth of Genesis in the Bible show binary opposition?
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Is the Book of Genesis a creation myth?

A:Many Christians and Jews believe that the Book of Genesis is, in its entirety, completely true and infallible. For them, it is unacceptable to see the book as containing creation myths. Many other Christians and Jews accept that the creation accounts in chapters 1 and 2, as well as many of the other the stories, at least as far as the story of Noah's Ark, are not literally true. They may call these stories allegories, creation myths or other explanations, depending on what they believe a myth to be. So for many, the Book of Genesis contains creation myths, although it may not necessarily be mythical in its entirety - which is another question.Another Answer:Not according to the Scriptures. Both the God of the Old Testament (Word) and the New Testament (Jesus) tell us repeatedly that the events recorded in the Bible actually occurred. Most scientist today believe in the 'Big Bang Theory' which they see the 'effect' and speculate on the 'cause' which the Bible states clearly for all to read. The 'creation' story of Genesis is actually a renewal of the Earth and there are several verses to attest to this event (Psalm 104:30 is one). Simply read the first couple of verses and see the planet Earth exists but is in darkness under water.Matthew 24:37New International Version (NIV) 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

How man syllables does myth?

Myth only has one syllable.

What stories in the Bible are now accepted as myths by some modern Bible scholars?

Some modern Bible scholars who do not believe the Bible regard anything they cannot prove historically as a myth. The fault is thus with the bias of the Bible scholars and not the Bible itself. The Hittites were previously regarded as mythical and were subsequently proven to have existed and now have whole museums of their material. This type of thing has been repeated ad infinitum. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Such scholars also demonstrate an anti-supernatural bias which means that anything involving the supernatural is automatically dismissed as impossible. Liberal scholars though, who tend to fall into this type of category are consistently bending under the weight of evidence regarding the New Testament, for example, and regarding it as having been written much earlier than they previously postulated. John A. T. Robinson in his ground-breaking work 'Re-dating the New Testament' for example regards everything as having been written before AD 70 and thus in the lifetime of the apostles. Robinson is a liberal. Thus there would probably be literally hundreds of such stories since much of the Bible contains supernatural elements. It also contains things in antiquity some of which evidence has now been discovered. So it also depends on which Bible scholars one quotes and whether they are aware of the evidence. Myth 1. The Creation. Myth 2. Garden of Eden. Myth 3. Tower of Babel. The above provide some examples. What is interesting is that none of these stories can be proven to be false. Not one. The reason they are regarded as myths is that they do not fit into the prevailing world view. Another example would have to be the Great Flood of Noah's day. This particular event together with the Bible account of creation are still regarded as myths even though there is plenty of actual evidence to support them.

What is the myth behind the coordinate plane's invention?

The myth is that Rene Descartes thought of it while he stared at a fly on the ceiling.

What is an antonym for myth?

An antonym or opposite word for myth would be fact. You could also say nonfiction or reality.

Related questions

Where in the Book of Genesis is there a myth?

A:A myth is simply a legend with a supernatural component or explanation. So, almost every story in Genesis can be regarded as a myth.

What is an example of creation myth?

One example of a creation myth is the story of how the universe was created by a supreme being or deity, such as in the story of Genesis in the Bible where God created the world in 6 days. Another example is the Inca creation myth where the god Viracocha created the world and all living things.

What is a good sentences with the word myth in it?

Creationists believe that the story of creation in the book of Genesis is not a myth.

What Genre is the book of Genesis?

The book of Genesis in the Bible is classified as a mix of genres, including myth, legend, and historical narrative. It contains a combination of creation stories, genealogies, and accounts of patriarchal history.

Are there 666 stories in the Bible?

No, that is a myth.

Compare the biblical account in the book of Genesis in the Bible with this folk myth?

In order to answer this question it will be necessary to have details of which folk myth is being referred to. One point of general comparison which immediately comes to mind though is that Genesis is not myth, although some like to regard it so. It is written as a historical record, originally written in ancient Hebrew, and divided up into various sections or chapters (not here referring to the more modern chapter divisions) according to subject matter. As a historical record Genesis events have been verified by both science (the Genesis Flood) and by Archaeology (names, places, and customs mentioned in Genesis). Myths of course cannot be verified in any way as they are not necessarily based in any kind of reality although they may seek to explain such.

Where is a story about myth in the Bible?

A:A myth is defined as a legend with a supernatural element in it. Many believe that the Bible is, in its entirety, true and historical. On this view, the Bible does not contain myths. Another view is that the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua are wholly or partly mythical, and that myths can be found throughout much of the Old Testament. On this view, the two stories of the creation are myths, as are the stories of the Flood, Tower of Babel, Abraham, the Exodus from Egypt, and many others.

Is genesis a myth?

The Genesis story in the Bible is considered by many to be a religious text that provides explanations for the origin of the universe, Earth, and humanity. Some people interpret it as a literal account of creation, while others see it as a metaphorical or symbolic narrative. Ultimately, whether one views Genesis as a myth or not depends on individual beliefs and perspectives.

Is there a Steve in the bible or is he just a biblical myth?

Stephen is in the Bible. He is the first recorded stoning for Christianity.

Who was the first woman ever written about in history?

"Eve" was not the first woman written about. There were thousands and thousands of years of history prior to the development of the creation myth. The first recorded woman was Helen of Troy.

Has modern science proved genesis?

No, almost every basic tenant of genesis has been disproven by even basic science and has been for years. Genesis is a lovely story and myth, but as a historic record its purely nonsense.

Why is Genesis relevant today?

A:The Book of Genesis was once thought to be historically accurate, giving it a special place in the Bible. Now that most of the book is regarded by critical scholars as a mixture of legend, myth and tradition, it is of little relevance to historians. However, it continues to be relevant to Jews and Christians (and, indirectly, Muslims) as the very basis of these religions. Without the Book of Genesis, these religions could scarcely exist, in the forms we know today.