

Best Answer

The Bible is accurate in concordance to history to the very last detail.


Another perspective:

Many Christians believe that the Bible is a record of the experiences and understandings of people of faith through many ages. It is not a historical record of actual occurrences. For example, Joshua 10: 12-14 describes the sun standing still while the people of Israel kill their enemies. At that time, people believed the sun circled the earth, which, of course, it does not. The story does not record scientifically accurate fact, but the astonishing experience of a people who felt as God stopped time to allow them to win their battle. It is a story about faith and triumph, not about the movement of the sun and moon. By reading the Bible in this way, we learn who God is and who we are in the community of faith, in relation to God.

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Q: How does the Bible compare to history?
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