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This can be difficult, I have lived with them on and off since early High School (but never had an actual "plan" other than one time).

The best thing that worked for me was to simply try to ignore them and get as busy as you can doing something (even if the thing you choose to do seems to be the most useless time wasting activity possible). Fortunately for 30 years I had a fantastic job and could often totally immerse myself in work to distract me from the thoughts (often doing 60+ hour work weeks at times). However I strongly recommend against using videogames as a distraction to stop suicidal thoughts, they can ultimately easily worsen the thoughts in the end.

In the worst case (and especially if you have a "plan") go to the Emergency Room and get admitted to the Psychiatric Ward, they can diagnose your problem and if necessary prescribe medication that can help significantly and help find talk therapists which can help many people too.

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Q: How does someone get suicidal thoughts out of their head?
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How do you know if your thoughts are suicidal?

If your thoughts are of how to kill yourself, wanting to kill yourself, and/or thinking it would be better if you were not alive then your thoughts are suicidal.

Are suicidal thoughts normal?

No. They interfere with your mental health. But while these thoughts may not be normal, you aren't the only person dealing with suicidal thoughts. There are thousands who have felt the same way you do. You are not abnormal or an outcast just because of suicidal thoughts. Please check the related questions and links.

What should you do about suicidal thoughts?

If your suffering with suicidal thoughts you do not want to keep it to yourself. Reach out and talk to someone. If there is not anyone you feel comfortable speaking to in your life or community, you can call the nationwide hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a weak, and talk things over with someone who knows what you are going through. The number is 1-800-273-8255.

How can you stop having suicidal thoughts?

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is crucial to seek help from a mental health professional immediately. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or helpline for support. It's important to remember that you don't have to face these thoughts alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help.

What do you say to a friend who thinks of suicide because he thinks no one cares?

Make sure he knows you care about him and be there for him. Tell him you are willing to take him so see someone about these suicidal thoughts as he might need to start using medication. It is important to tell him to call you if he ever considers going through with it, he will need someone to talk him out of it.

Related questions

How do you know if your thoughts are suicidal?

If your thoughts are of how to kill yourself, wanting to kill yourself, and/or thinking it would be better if you were not alive then your thoughts are suicidal.

How long do they hold you in ER for suicidal thoughts?

Generally you will not be held in the ER, but transferred to a mental health facility. The normal hold time for someone that is suicidal is a minimum of 72 hours.

Are suicidal thoughts normal?

No. They interfere with your mental health. But while these thoughts may not be normal, you aren't the only person dealing with suicidal thoughts. There are thousands who have felt the same way you do. You are not abnormal or an outcast just because of suicidal thoughts. Please check the related questions and links.

Is it okay that you wouldn't mind dying?

This path of thinking can result in suicidal thoughts. If you never have thoughts of killing yourself and you believe your life has value and meaning then I don't see where you not minding death is a problem. If you do start thinking suicidal thoughts, don't be afraid to speak out and get help. You won't be the first to have suicidal thoughts and you won't be the last.

How do you deal with suicidal thoughts?

I recommend talking to someone. If you're trying to identify if someone else is having suicidal thoughts, some signs include 1: Them seeming sad quite often 2: If they talk about death often If you are having these types of thoughts or someone else seems to be, get help for them or yourself. I hope you are doing okay. It'll get better. You may not care about a stranger saying this, but you are loved and needed. If you have gotten out of depression, I'm proud of you.

What should you do about suicidal thoughts?

If your suffering with suicidal thoughts you do not want to keep it to yourself. Reach out and talk to someone. If there is not anyone you feel comfortable speaking to in your life or community, you can call the nationwide hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a weak, and talk things over with someone who knows what you are going through. The number is 1-800-273-8255.

How can you stop having suicidal thoughts?

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is crucial to seek help from a mental health professional immediately. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or helpline for support. It's important to remember that you don't have to face these thoughts alone and that there are people who care about you and want to help.

What does it mean to have suicidal tendencies?

Having suicidal tendencies means experiencing thoughts or feelings of wanting to end one's own life. These thoughts can range from fleeting ideation to more persistent feelings of hopelessness and a desire to commit suicide. It's important to seek help from a mental health professional if you are experiencing suicidal tendencies.

What causes suicidal thoughts?

Depression, rejection, sorrow/sadness, despair

If you have suicidal thoughts occasionally but no intent to act should you tell someone?

Many, if not most, people go through such stages in their life. It does sometimes help to talk to someone else about such matters and their reasons for such feelings.

What are signs of hidden anger?

Heavy breathing, shaking/trembling, occasional smart-alek responses, homicidal thoughts, suicidal thoughts, genocidal thoughts, etc., etc.

What is a good way to get off suicidal thoughts?

solve all the bad things in your life