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by jumping of a curb

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Q: How does a midget aka small person commit suicide?
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Is diminutive an adjective?

Yes, it is an adjective. It means small in size, or short for a person.

A sentence for a hermit person using the word adequate?

The hermit found his small house adequate.

Why is the suicide rate high in Seattle Washington?

The assumption raised by the question may or may not be correct. State and city data can and does vary from one year to the next and a comprehensive set of data on which to make an analysis that is all inclusive is rarely available until 5 or more years after the fact. Any statistical analysis that begins with an incomplete, flawed or inaccurate data base will yield garbage. (Garbage in and garbage out.) The 2004 US suicide statistics ranks Alaska as #1, Montana as #2, Nevada as #3 and Washington as #18 tied with Tennessee. Colorado which consistently ranks at or near the top in regards to a healthy population is ranked as having the sixth highest rate of suicides. If a cause like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) was to blame, then Alaska, Washington and Oregon should be in lock-step. (They aren't. Oregon ranked #10, and how do you explain the presence of Alaska (The Last Frontier), Montana (Big Sky Country), Wyoming (Cowboy State),Colorado (Rocky Mountain High), Idaho (Let it be forever), and Utah (Industry) all ranking in the top ten for suicides.)The 2005 US suicide statistics ranks the top ten as:Montana.Nevada.Alaska.New Mexico.Wyoming.Colorado.Idaho.Arizona.South Dakota.Oregon. Washington ranked 21st in 2005.The truth is that the very small number of suicides makes for faulty analysis. A very small shift in the cluster of numbers can distort the "Big Picture". In the United States, 1.3% of all deaths are are from suicide and on average, someone commits suicide every 16 minutes. Suicide ranks as the 11th leading cause of death. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people aging between 15 and 24 behind accidents and homicides. Four males die of suicide for each female and there are 800,000 suicide attempts each year. Some generalities can be valid and others are unproven while a third set are only interesting, like for example that Doctors are the leading category of suicide victims, that they almost never use a gun and that the number of women Doctors who attempt suicide succeed at the same rate as their male counterparts. It is a stressful occupation and they have ready access to both the knowledge and the pharmaceuticals required.

What does Koele mean?

A koele is defined as a small parcel of land. The land maybe owned by one person but cultivated by another.

How are commissions and tips alike?

Commission is money paid to a person or a company for making a sale. Tips is a small amount of money received by some service. They are both alike because money is paid to a person or company for their service.

Related questions

Is midget an adjective?

Yes, it can be (midget submarine). Midget can be a noun for a small person, or an adjective meaning of a small or reduced size.

What is midget?

A miniature sized person, small person of around 3 to 4 feet.

A word that means a person being small?

a midget, petite or diminutive.

Is Miley Cyrus a midget?

yes she is a midget! she is very small

What is the duration of A Small Ball Shot by a Midget?

The duration of A Small Ball Shot by a Midget is 1.67 hours.

When I meet the knee high man what should I call him, a midget or a dwarf?

How about calling him a small/little person,however if i was to choose between the two terms i would use the term midget.

When was A Small Ball Shot by a Midget created?

A Small Ball Shot by a Midget was created on 1981-10-17.

Country music video that has a girl step out into a highway to commit suicide and the car stops in time?

Carrie Underwood - So Small

What is the opposite of midget?

The usual antonym would be "giant" (a overly large person rather than an small one). Opposites for the adjective "midget" could be giant, oversize, or colossal.

What group of animals found in Scandinavian regions as well as Lapland overpopulate its kind and then they march towards the sea to commit suicide?

I think you're referring to lemmings, a small rat-like animal. However, the idea that they commit mass suicide by marching and flinging themselves into the sea is a myth, it doesn't actually happen.

What group of animals found in the Scandinavian regions as well as Lapland overpopulate its kind and then they march towards the sea to commit suicide?

I think you're referring to lemmings, a small rat-like animal. However, the idea that they commit mass suicide by marching and flinging themselves into the sea is a myth, it doesn't actually happen.

Do spiders committ suicide?

Spiders don't commit suicide, they only die when someone or something kills, besides a spider's brain is so small that it won't know if a place is dangerous therefore resulting in death and suicide is when you kill yourself and is aware you die and will die willingly