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You can't weigh 5 foot 5 inches, that is a measurement of your height not your weight.

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Q: How does a 12 year old girl weigh 5'5?
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What is a 12 year old girl meant to weigh?

A twelve year old girl should weigh between 95 and 130 lbs with an average height of 5'1.

How much can a 12 year old girl weigh?

It depends on how tall she is.

How much should you weigh if you are a 12 year old girl?


I am a 12 year old girl and weigh 73 pounds and i am 5'2 inches tall am i considered underweight?

Yes you would because a 12 year old girl should weigh in around 80-100.

A 12 year old girl is 5'2 how much should she weigh?


How much should a 12 year old 178cm girl weigh?

65 +

How much should a 12 year old girl who is 5 feet weigh?

if you are a 12 year old girl and is about 5 feet tall you should probably weigh above 90 lbs and under 160 lbs

How many girls at 12 yrs old weigh 63lbs?

Only 1.36 percent of 12 year old girls weigh 63 pounds. The average weight for a 12 year old girl is 93 pounds.

How much should a 12 year old girl that is 5'4 weigh?

A 5'4 12 year old girl should weigh 119 pounds Or they could weigh less than that or more than that.Either way you are beautiful no matter what anyone say's.

How old is an 12 year old girl supposed to weigh?

it all depends on height. it does not go by age. anyway, why should a 12 year old care what they weigh? go eat cake. bye.

What is the average weight for a 5' 4 12 year old girl?

I am a 12 year old girl and i weigh 127 pounds! I am 5' 4". Do you think that's too much?

How much should a 5 12 year old girl weigh?

around about 94kg