Yuan is the currency of China. Money in Chinese is 钱
Chinese money is on a scale of #-1 is 4.617 times more expensive
how much is a 100 cent coin of chinese money worth in united states currency
The number 8 (pronounced bā in Mandarin Chinese) is similar to the word 發 (pronounced fā in Mandarin Chinese), which equates to earning money or wealth.
A pen.
5 x 19
Yuan is the currency of China. Money in Chinese is 钱
just like U.S. money in English ,its Chinese money.
In America,$5.00 Chinese money is worth $00.80
Chinese money is on a scale of #-1 is 4.617 times more expensive
Chinese Yuan
Yuan is the currency of China. Money in Chinese is 钱
Bobby Ray is chinese har har har har....
The guy pictured in Chinese money note is Mao Dezong the formere Chinese leader
The standard form is 50,402,100,000