10/04/2012(or 12)
In todays notation of Roman numerals: V-XXIX-LXXXIX But the ancient Romans would have notated them quite differently.
Under todays rules: DXC
In todays modern notation: MDCXLII
In todays notation of Roman numerals: MCMXLVIII
"Today's date..."
10/04/2012(or 12)
Yesterdays date is one minus todays date. By looking at a calendar and finding todays date then looking to the left for yesterdays.
Month: Mois Year: Année Date: date
todays date
todays date
todays date
look at the expiry date, and then at todays date. If the expiry date is before todays date then your passport has expired.
TODAY if todays date is 22 April 2014 but that was yesterday
Yesterdays date is one minus todays date. By looking at a calendar and finding todays date then looking to the left for yesterdays.
the date must be posterior to todays date. what does this mean?