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Base Roman numerals went up to one thousand:

I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500

M = 1000

To represent numbers greater than four thousand, a bar was place over the top of a base number. The bar indicated that the base number was multiplied by 1000. So, one million (1000 x 1000) would be written as:



So the number 1,000 is could also be:



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Q: How do you write one million in roman numerals?
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| li | lxx

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How do you write one thousand in roman numerals?

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How would you write one million in roman numerals?

_ M Is 1,000,000 in Roman numerals. The bar over the letter means it is times 1000. M is 1000 1000 X 1000 = 1,000,000

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The number 31,000,000 in Roman numerals would be [XXXI] with a horizontal bar placed over it (which I can't write with my keyboard).

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The number 100,000,000 can be represented by the Roman numeral [C] with a horizontal bar placed above it (which I can't write with my keyboard).

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How do you write one million four thousand pounds in figures?

In roman numerals its- MIV (with a bar over it). In Numbers it's 1,004,000 pounds.

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