9th March 1989 can also be written as 09-03-1989 and the Roman numerals for this would be IX.III.MCMLXXXIX
6th March 1989 is 08-03-1989 so in roman numerals it is VII-III-MCMLXXXIX.
10-19-1989 in Roman numerals is X.XIX.MCMLXXXIX
August 28, 1989 would be written as XXVIII.VIII.MCMLXXXIX in Roman numerals.
To write 9 11 1989 in Roman numerals, you would represent each individual number as follows: 9 is represented as IX, 11 is represented as XI, and 1989 is represented as MCMLXXXIX. So, 9 11 1989 in Roman numerals would be IX XI MCMLXXXIX.
9th March 1989 can also be written as 09-03-1989 and the Roman numerals for this would be IX.III.MCMLXXXIX
6th March 1989 is 08-03-1989 so in roman numerals it is VII-III-MCMLXXXIX.
The 7th March 1989 can also be written as 07-03-1989 and the Roman numerals for this date would be VII.III.MCMLXXXIX
10-19-1989 in Roman numerals is X.XIX.MCMLXXXIX
The date 10/3/1989 would be written as: X/III/MCMXXXIX or as III/X/MCMXXXIX for North American dates.Improved Answer:-In today's notation 1989 in Roman numerals is MCMLXXXIX the above year set out in Roman numerals represents 1939.
August 28, 1989 would be written as XXVIII.VIII.MCMLXXXIX in Roman numerals.
To write 9 11 1989 in Roman numerals, you would represent each individual number as follows: 9 is represented as IX, 11 is represented as XI, and 1989 is represented as MCMLXXXIX. So, 9 11 1989 in Roman numerals would be IX XI MCMLXXXIX.
The date 28-07-89 can be written in Roman numerals as XXVIII.VII.LXXXIX or you could write 28-07-1989 as XXVIII.VIII.MCMLXXXIX
In today's terms: X-XII-MCMLXXXIX
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals: VI-XI-MCMLXXXIX Note that the ancient Romans would have wrote out the equivalent of 1989 differently as we now do today
The date 17-03-1989 in Roman numerals would be XVII.III.MCMLXXXIX