January 20th, 2009 can be written as XX.I.MMIX in Roman numerals.
The number (or year) 2009 in Roman numerals is MMIX
To convert January 11, 2009 into roman numerals, you can break it down into separate numbers and convert them individually. January is the first month, so it is represented by "I". 11 is represented by "XI". Finally, 2009 is represented by "MMIX". Putting it all together, January 11, 2009 in roman numerals is "I XI MMIX".
The Roman numerals for the number 2009 would be MMIX
January 20th, 2009 can be written as XX.I.MMIX in Roman numerals.
The date January 8th 2009 can also be written as 01-08-2009 and in Roman numerals this would be I.VIII.MMIX
The number (or year) 2009 in Roman numerals is MMIX
January is the first month so it would be one. I.XXX.MMIX would be the correct notation.
To convert January 11, 2009 into roman numerals, you can break it down into separate numbers and convert them individually. January is the first month, so it is represented by "I". 11 is represented by "XI". Finally, 2009 is represented by "MMIX". Putting it all together, January 11, 2009 in roman numerals is "I XI MMIX".
The Roman numerals for the number 2009 would be MMIX
April 29th 2009 can also be written as 04-29-2009 and the Roman numerals for this date would be IV.XXIX.MMIX