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In Roman numerals: 90 = XC which means -10+100 = 90

Here is a list of Roman Numerals, and their values.

I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500

M = 1000

Just like 4 is IV, and 9 is IX,

90 is XC (10 Less than 100) and 900 would be CM (100 Less than 1,000)

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Q: How do you write 90 in roman numerals?
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MCMXCVIII (M for 1000, CM for 900, XC for 90, and VII for 8) Another contributor's answer: The above conversion of 1998 into Roman numerals is conventionally correct but VII in Roman numerals is 7 and VIII is 8.