Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as :
numeral number of 20 is :
825 as a Roman numeral is DCCCXXV meaning 800+20+5 = 825
It is: 500 = D as a Roman numeral
As a Roman numeral 326 is CCCXXVI
CCLXMMMCDXXIV is the Roman Numeral of 263424.
825 as a Roman numeral is DCCCXXV meaning 800+20+5 = 825
20 + 2 XX + II XXII
It is: 500 = D as a Roman numeral
As a Roman numeral 326 is CCCXXVI
CCLXMMMCDXXIV is the Roman Numeral of 263424.
2001 as a roman numeral is MMI
40 minus 20 = 20 and its equivalent as a Roman numeral is XX
The Roman numeral for 4 is written as IV.
1 = I as a Roman numeral
It is: 38 = XXXVIII as a Roman numeral
The Roman numeral for 295 is CCXCV.