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A convex lens has a focal length of 150 millimeters.

Some politicians will go to any length to keep their positions.

The horse won the race by barely a length.

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Q: How do you use the word length in a sentence?
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Length in a sentence?

The word "length" is the noun form of the word "long." An example of a sentence using the word "length" is "The box has a width of 2 feet and a length of 7 feet."

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Equilateral triangles have three sides of the same length.

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The expansion of the company led to an increase in the length of their product line.

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You should try not to misjudge people.If you misjudge the length of the gap, you will fall to your death.

Use the word length in a sentence?

Focal Point:The distance from the Lens to the Focal Point is called the Focal Point.

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Word order (or sentence length)

What function are used for string length in visual basic?

string length is a function use to check the lenght of a string i.e number of alphabets in a word or sentence.

Need a sentence using the word length?

Please measure the length of this hallway.