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my standard measurement is 6 feet high

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Q: How do you use standard measure in a sentence?
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How can you use standard in a sentence?

You measure up to my standards.

What is A unit of measure that people agree to use?

is meant by measurement in che mistry

How can you use the word standard in a sentence?

The restaurant met the standard for the health inspection.

How would you use double standard in a sentence?

This attitude is the result of a double standard.

How do you use standardizing in a sentence?

It was hard getting the employees to understand the new standardizing of the company. Standardizing means to conform to a standard.

How can automobiles be used to measure a country's standard of living?

No we cannot measure the living standard of any country through the use of automobiles.

How do you use reasonable person standard in a sentence?

The judge applied the reasonable person standard to determine if the defendant's actions were justified in self-defense.

How can you use standard in sentence?

The standard form of measurment for weight in the United States is the pound (lb).

How do you use tablespoon in a sentence?

I used a tablespoon to measure my flour.

How can measure WEIGHT of tube?

Use a pair of balances and standard weights.

Does scientists only use standard units measure in their experiments?


What do you use to measure the standard unit of density?

Mass divided by Volume!!