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use a fire hyderant and bang it in a downward motion hitting the lock. do this a couple of times and it should do the trick.
I'm not sure which master lock you are asking about, but see related links below for methods of opening combination locks
You have to have a combination. If you have a key lock you don't need a combination, all it is is a lock that says master and a key to turn it and then it opens what you have in it.
the door lock actuator is bad. it is located in the drivers door panel
You search for the combination at the school , and you go to the lock and unlock .
With the combination
You enter the correct combination for the lock then move the catch and the lock will spring open.
With a key.
You have to input the combination that you had set to activate it. It's like a password. You just but it in and you can unlock the screen lock.
You can unlock the combination lock of the polo luggage if the combination numbers are forgotten in a few ways. One way is just to try a few different combinations until you get the right one.
Left right left
un- unlock
bolt cutters....
With the briefcase that I have, I had to put in the unlock combination. Then hold down the unlock button or latch and while holding it down change the combination. Once you release the latch or button the combination will have changed. Try out the new combination to verify.